The Gospel builds genuine community, not based on shared race or interests, but on the redeeming love of Jesus. Jesus didn't rescue us to live in isolation; He rescued us into the family of believers, to do life together. Trying to live out our faith alone is risky business! We thrive when we're known and loved within our community (Acts 2:42-46).
Being part of a group isn't just about warm fuzzies; it's about getting better spiritually. Sometimes we steer clear of hanging out with others because we don't want them messing with our stuff. We don't like it when people push us or try to change us. But when we're part of a group, we're encouraged by others, and we all grow better together as Hisf followers (Ephesians 4:11-16).
Belonging to the Christian community entails utilizing our spiritual gifts to enrich both our community and the broader world. These gifts aren't designed for individual use but rather complement one another as integral parts of a unified whole. As each member employs their unique gifts, the collective body flourishes and expands. Moreover, when all members operate in their gifted capacities, the community becomes more effective in its outreach and mission endeavors, as outlined in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.
When Jesus issued the great commission, it wasn't exclusively directed at pastors or apostles but extended to all his followers. While pastors and teachers play a role in preparing Christians for the mission, it's the collective responsibility of the entire church, it's our corporate purpose (Ephesians 4:11-12).
The church's mission isn't solely about reaching distant, unreached people groups; it starts right in our neighborhoods. While we're connected to the global mission of the church, we're also called to engage in local mission—whether at school, work, or with our neighbors. God has intentionally placed us where we are for a purpose: to disciple others and combat darkness (Acts 1:8).
When Jesus entrusted his disciples with their mission, he instructed them to wait for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit isn't merely for personal spiritual experiences; rather, He equips us for Jesus' mission. We rely on the Spirit to guide us into opportunities to share the Gospel and to embolden us to proclaim and live out our purpose. (Acts 1:4-5).
Since God made us and rescued us, we honor Him by making Him the top priority of our pursuit. When we're trapped in sin, we often place other things above God, but these 'idols' can never truly save or fulfill us (Romans 1:20-25).
Real worship isn't just about acknowledging intellectually that God deserves the top spot; it's about finding joy and pleasure in Him. To understand what we truly worship, we only need to look at where we seek our happiness. Worshiping God means pursuing after our ultimate joy in Him (Philippians 4:4).
We always make sacrifices for the things we worship. Often, we invest our time and money in our careers, relationships, and pursuits of success. Naturally, we happily give up for the things we worship because we believe they're worth everything. When we genuinely worship God, we'll surrender everything to Him because we recognize His worthiness of it all (Romans 12:1).
Nothing else is worth pursuing.
From the moment Jesus entrusted His church with the mission before His ascension, it became her solemn responsibility to declare the triumphant news of His kingship. Through His sacrificial blood, He redeemed us from sin and restored our relationship with God (Matthew 28:18-20). At the core of the church's purpose lies the urgent call to invite others to embrace faith in Jesus and embark on the journey of discipleship. Yet, discipleship is not self-contained; it's a cycle of continual growth and multiplication, where disciples are perpetually engaged in the noble task of nurturing new disciples who, in turn, will carry forth the mission.
We don't disciple others to amass a large crowd. We don't serve the needy seeking admiration or indebtedness. Every action is driven by the desire to propel the Gospel of Jesus forward (1 Corinthians 9:23). Our missions are fueled by the Gospel that saved us; we don't labor to earn God's favor. Everything we are is because of Jesus, and all our endeavors are rooted in Him.
Jesus envisioned His church as a beacon atop a hill, piercing through the shadows with His radiance (Matthew 5:14-16). As Jesus assumes kingship over our lives, every facet of our existence falls under His authority, reshaping our conduct to directly challenge the prevailing darkness. Our faith's integration into our vocations, our compassion for the underprivileged, and our commitment to fostering a community of reconciled love all serve to illuminate the surrounding gloom as we traverse as children of light (Ephesians 5:8-11). The church's conduct and affection provide the world with a glimpse into the realm of God's kingdom.